Coach: Cheri Wood - Email - [email protected]
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Students will practice Monday--Friday from 2:45-4:00pm once school starts. We will practice starting August 7th. Students will meet me in the gym on the 4th bell.
Students cannot participate if they do not have a physical on file. (See info below)
2024 Cross-Country Schedule
All meets except for Sectionals and State Championship will be held at Chickamauga Dam.
• Tuesday, Aug 20: Jamboree - Girls' race @5:00, Boys' race @5:30 (un-scored meet)
• Thursday, Aug 22: Meet 1 - Boys' race @5:00, Girls' race @5:30
• Tuesday, Aug 27: Meet 2 - Girls' race @5:00, Boys' race @5:30
• Thursday, Sept 5: Meet 3 - Boys' race @5:00, Girls' race @5:30
• Tuesday, Sept 10: Meet 4 - Girls' race @5:00, Boys' race @5:30
• Thursday, Sept 12: Regular season rain date (Girls and Boys run in the order of the rained out
• Thursday, Sept 19: County Tournament - Boys' race @5:00, Girls' race @5:30
• Tuesday, Sept 24: County Tournament rain date - Boys' race @5:00, Girls' race @5:30
• Friday, 9/27: Sectionals (at Woodland Park - times TBD)
• Saturday, 10/5: State Tournament (at Clarksville)
Forms information has changed slightly from previous years.
- All Physical, Consent, Concussion, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest forms must be turned in on the Final Forms Website. (see 5)
- Incoming 6th graders these forms are located in your registration packet.
- Current students physical packets can be picked up in the main office.
- Physicals must be dated after April 15, 2024 to be current.
- All forms need to be uploaded onto Final Forms website: Here
Needed items other than paper work:
All items are REQUIRED
1. Water bottle - Must be filled at home and brought specifically for practice - this bottle must be full or students will not be allowed to practice. There will be access to a water fountain to refill bottles during practice - but their bottle needs to be full at the start of practice. Please discuss heat and hydration with your student athlete - they need to be hydrated prior to attending practice.
2. Running shoes and socks. No flats, basketball shoes, crocs, slip on shoes, skate/lifestyle type shoes, sandals, or boots will be allowed for practice - running shoes are mandatory.
3. Shorts/tee shirt/tank top - appropriate for the weather. Students will not be permitted to practice in school clothes when it is 80+ degrees outside. They need to be in shorts or pants that are appropriate for the temperature. Boys must leave their shirts on and girls may not run in sports bras.
4. If you student needs sunscreen parents must provide this as coaches are not allowed to provide or apply.
FORMS: (All Forms are Available in Front Office)
You must have the following 4 forms completed in order to tryout.
-Medical Eligibility Form (dated after April 15, 2023)
- Parent Consent Form (Filled out by Parent/Guardian and Student-Athlete)
- Concussion Form (Filled out by Parent/Guardian and Student-Athlete)
- Cardiac Arrest Form (Filled out by Parent/Guardian and Student-Athlete)